Hello there 👋

Welcome to the Simple Craft Network! We're a gaming community that started out as a Minecraft server with a small group of friends but have since outgrown that! We're now focusing on expanding our lineup of games that we offer starting with Trouble in Terrorist Town in gMod!

Why us?

Learn about what sets us apart from just another gaming community.

Active Development

We're constantly working on our servers to ensure that we're adapting to concerns of players and staying relevant.

Growing Community

Our community of gamers keeps growing and there are plenty of things to do with great people!

Excellent Gameplay

We strive to provide the best gameplay experience possible. As gamers ourselves we know what to look for and try to offer the best experience possible!

We Listen to Feedback

We try to engage with our users on Discord and Discourse in order to implement things that everyone wants.

Play to Win

We are very careful when adding features that will be restricted behind some sort of paywall to ensure it doesn't impact gameplay.

Willing to Experiment

We are doing things that are unconventional especially when it comes to TTT - if something goes wrong we will learn from our tests!


Hear what some of our players have to say about  our community!

This could be your quote!



This could be your quote!



This could be your quote!



TTT Server Showcase

Below is just a glimpse of what we have to offer to members of our community. We're constantly listening to feedback and adapting to meet the needs of everyone, and having fun!

Inventory System

Earn points to open crates to unlock in-game items such as weapons, player models, weapon skins, emotes, and much more!


We've added an emote system as a way for everyone to express themselves in a unique way! Emotes can be animated and even include sound effects!

See what's next!

We're always adding new features and listening to player feedback and suggestions. View our current progress of adding new features here or suggest an idea here!